Joris Larik
- joris.larik@eui.eu
- Netherlands
Joris is Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University and Senior Advisor at the Stimson Center. He studied law and international relations in Dresden (BA), Leiden (LLM), and the College of Europe in Bruges (MA). Joris received his PhD from the European University Institute, where he was awarded the 2014 “Mauro Cappelletti Prize for the Best Thesis in Comparative Law”. He is the author of Foreign Policy Objectives in European Constitutional Law (OUP, 2016).
His research interests centre on the law of external relations of the European Union, international law (especially WTO law and international criminal law), as well as security and defence policy.
More information on him can be found here.
Selected Publications
Joris Larik, “Much More Than Trade: The Common Commercial Policy in a Global Context”, in Panos Koutrakos and Malcolm Evans (eds), Beyond the Established Orders: Policy Interconnections Between the EU and the Rest of the World, Hart Publishing, Oxford, forthcoming spring 2011.
Joris Larik and Quentin Weiler, “Going Naval in Troubled Waters: the European Union, China and the Fight against Piracy off the Coast of Somalia”, in Jing Men and Benjamin Barton (eds), The EU and China: Partners or Competitors in Africa?, Ashgate, Farnham, forthcoming spring 2011.
Joris Larik, “Corporate International Criminal Responsibility: Oxymoron or an Effective Tool for 21st Century Governance?”, in Jana Hertwig, Sylvia Maus, Almut Meyer zu Schwabedissen and Matthias Schuler (eds), Global Risks – Constructing World Order through Law, Politics and Economics, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2010, pp. 119-142.
Joris Larik, “Kennedy’s ‘two pillars’ revisited: Does the ESDP make the EU and the US two equal partners in NATO?”, European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol. 14, No. 2, June 2009, pp. 289-304.
Bernhard Blumenau, Felix Groba, Joris Larik and Dana Rosen, “Deutschland und die europäische Rüstungskooperation: Perspektiven für einen hochsensiblen Politikbereich”, in Arne Niemann and Alexander Brand (eds), Interessen und Handlungsspielräume in der deutschen und europäischen Außenpolitik, Dresden University Press, Dresden, 2007, pp. 215-239.
He has also contributed papers to the series Papiers d’actualité/ Current Affairs in Perspective of the Foundation:
– International Criminal Law, International Security and the Global Ordre Public
– Le Traité de Lisbonne – une constitution à vocation mondiale