Simon Lobach
I am an environmental historian interested in the development and functioning of extractivist networks. I performed PhD research on the supply chain of aluminium in Amazonia, and the sector’s socio-environmental impacts. My academic background is in History, Latin American Studies and International Affairs. Apart from my academic work, I have several years of professional experience in international environmental cooperation. I have lived and worked in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Cuba and Brazil, and am fully fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and my native Dutch.
List of Publications:
· Lobach, S., 2023. “Ecological stereotypes: Perceptions of Amerindians and Maroons in late colonial Suriname.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 237-261.
· Lobach, S., 2023. “Aluminium landscapes: A political ecology of bauxite and aluminium production in Suriname (1898-2020).” International Development Policy, Vol. 16, pp. 149-178.
· Lobach, S., 2023. “Suspicious minds: Aluminium production in the Amazon”, International Aluminium Today, Jul/Aug, pp. 15-17.
· Lobach, S., 2023. “Aluminium from the Amazon: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.” Travaux du Comité International de l’Étude des Bauxites, de l’Alumine et de l’Aluminium (ICSOBA), No. 52, pp. 215-226.
· Lobach, S. and Storli, E., 2021. “The end of the Free State of Rorac: Bauxite concessioning and Maroon displacement in colonial Suriname.” Journal for the History of Aluminium, No. 67, pp. 50-69.
· Gainza, R. and Lobach, S., 2021. “Green economy performance of environmental initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean”, in: J. Uitto (ed.) Evaluating Environment in International Development. Earthscan-Routledge, pp. 232-264.