Mrs. Irina du Bois

President of the Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History


Irina du Bois

Irina du Bois is a chemical engineer graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. She also holds a MA in International History from the Graduate Institute in Geneva and a BA from the University of Geneva.

She made all her career with Nestlé (Nestec Ltd.) where she has been successively Assistant Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs (1986 – 1991), then Vice President, Head of Regulatory and Environmental Affairs (1991 – 2004) and, until 2010, Vice President, Head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs.

From 2010 to 2014, Irina du Bois was member of the Board of Directors of Givaudan SA.