Axel Marion
- axel.marion@graduateinstitute.ch
- Suisse, France
Axel Marion holds a PhD from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. His research topics focus on European identity, European territory and more generally the history of the European construction. The geopolitics of Polar Regions are also among his interests. Axel was a postdoctoral fellow in Boston University and the Université libre de Bruxelles after his PhD and he he holds currently the position of Secretary general of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Western Switzerland.
Axel is a Research Associate of the Foundation since its beginning in 2007. Among his activities, he was the co-author of the 2010’ Conference book: Europe Twenty Years after the End of the Cold War: The New Europe, New Europes? (Arcidiacono B, Milzow K, Marion A, Bourneuf P-A, Bruxelles, P.I.E Peter Lang, 2012).
Main publications:
Marion A (2016), “Political Union without Territory? Space Representation and Identity Deficit in the EU”, in Greenfeld L (ed), Globalisation of Nationalism: The Motive-Force behind 21st Century Politics, Colchester, ECPR Press, pp.69-80;
Marion A (2014), “Votation helvétique sur l’immigration : causes et conséquences d’un scrutin symbolique”, in Current Affairs in Perspective Collection, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History, Pully, Paper n°3 ;
Marion A (2012), “De la frontière fixe aux limites indéfinies. Les espaces européens en question après la chute du bloc de l’Est”, in Arcidiacono B, Mizow K, Marion A, Bourneuf P-A, Europe Twenty Years after the End of the Cold War: The New Europe, New Europes? Bruxelles, P.I.E Peter Lang, pp. 313-325;
Marion A (2010), “Security of the EU Borders in the Post-Cold War Era” in Hanhimäki J, Soutou G-H, Germond B, The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Security, London and New York, Routledge, pp.194-205;
Marion A (2009), “Une citoyenneté sans territoire? La difficile quête d’une géographie politique et identitaire européenne”, in Relations Internationales, n°139/2009, pp.65-72 ;
Marion A (2009), “Un parlement européen en quête de légitimité populaire”, in Current Affairs in Perspective Collection, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History, Pully, Paper n°4.