Aline Schlaepfer
- aline.schlaepfer@unige.ch
- Switzerland
Aline is assistant professor at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Basel, with the Swiss National Science Foundation’s Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the American University of Beirut and Princeton University, as well as a research associate and senior resident at the University of Geneva. She is interested in the modern history of Iraq, minorities, and the issue of the Ottoman legacy in the post-Ottoman Middle East. She is the author of Les intellectuels juifs de Bagdad. Discours et allégeances (1908-1951) (Brill 2016), and articles dealing with the history of Jews in Arab countries, the implementation of the concept of minority in the Middle East and the study of the Ottoman legacy in post-Ottoman Arab spaces.
Selected Publications
Books and edition of special issues
Fantômes d’Empire. Persistances et revendications d’ottomanité(s) dans les espaces post-ottomans. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée, special issue co-edited with Philippe Bourmaud and Iyas Hassan, 2020.
Les intellectuels juifs de Bagdad. Discours et allégeances (1908-1951). Leiden : Brill, 2016.
Voile, corps et pudeur. Approches historiques et anthropologiques. Co-edited with Yasmina Foehr-Janssens and Silvia Naef, Geneva: Labor et Fides, 2015.
Articles and book chapters
“Le conseil communal israélite libanais. Relations interconfessionnelles et performativité du territoire à Sidon après la création du Grand Liban”, Cahiers de la Méditerranée 105, 2022, 131–144.
“Between Ruler and Rogue. Sayyid Talib al-Naqib and the British in Early 20th Century Basra,” in Age of Rogues Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Racketeers in Turn of the Century Eurasia Minor, eds. Ramazan Öztan and Alp Yenen, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021, 235–257.
“Sidon Against Beirut. Space, Control and the Limits of Sectarianism within the Jewish Community in Modern Lebanon,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 53, 2021, 424-448.
« La lettre de suicide du Premier Ministre ‘Abd al-Muhsin al-Sa’dun. Vie et mort d’un nationaliste irakien de langue turque, » Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée 148 (special issue Fantômes d’Empire), 2020, pp. 87-110.
« Entre « communauté » et « minorité » juive. Les défis de la transition en Irak au moment de l’indépendance, » in Minorités en Méditerranée au XIXe siècle, ed. V. Assan, B. Heyberger and J. Vogel, Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2019, 217-234.
“Defining Minorities: Mission Impossible? The Case of Hashemite Iraq,” Roundtable Minoritization and Pluralism in the Modern Middle East, International Journal of Middle East Studies 50/4, 2018, 769-772.
“When Antifascism Meets Anti-Colonialism. Modern Jewish Intellectuals in Baghdad,” in Minorities of the Modern Middle East. New Perspectives. ed. Laura Robson, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2016, 93-105