Caio Simões de Araújo
Caio is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, in Johannesburg. He holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Coimbra and a MA in Sociology and Social Anthropology from the Central European University, Hungary. In 2017, he completed his PhD in history at the Graduate Institute for which he obtained the Pierre du Bois Prize in 2018. His research draws on the intersections between diplomatic history, histories of decolonization, and transnational histories of race and (anti-)racism.
Selected publications:
Caio Simões de Araújo (2017) (Editor), A Luta Continua, 40 Anos Depois: Histórias Entrelaçadas e Legados do Império na África Austral (Maputo: Alcance Editores).
Book chapters:
Caio Simões de Araújo (Forthcoming), “A Crisis of Confidence: the ‘postcolonial moment’ and the diplomacy of decolonization at the UN, ca. 1961”, in Almada e Santos, Pearson-Patel and Eggers (Ed.), The United Nations and Decolonization After World War II (London and New York: Routledge).
Caio Simões de Araújo (In Press), “Beyond race, nation, and empire: tensions of (inter)nationalism in the interwar period, 1919-1923”, in Payk M. and Pergher R. (Eds.), Beyond Versailles: Sovereignty, Legitimacy and the Formation of New Polities after the Great War (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press).
Caio Simões de Araújo (2017). “Terra Prometida ou Luso-apartheid?: o racismo colonial e a política da comparação em Moçambique, 1951-1969”, in Araújo, C. (Ed.) A Luta Continua, 40 Anos Depois: Histórias Entrelaçadas e Legados do Império na África Austral (Maputo: Alcance Editores).
Caio Simões de Araújo (2016), “Race Problems, Social Issues: Racial Equality and Empire at the Birth of the League of Nations, Paris 1919”, in Rodriguez et al. (Eds.) The work of the League of Nations in Social Issues (Geneva: United Nations Publications).
Caio Simões de Araújo (co-authored with Iolanda Vasile) (2014), “‘The World the Portuguese Developed’: Racial Politics, Luso-Tropicalism and Development Discourse in late Portuguese Colonialism”, in Hödl, G. et. al. (Org.). Developing Africa: Development Discourse in Late Colonialism (Manchester: University Press).