Dominic Eggel
- dominic.eggel@graduateinstitute.ch
- Switzerland
Selected publications
Eggel D. (2018), “Wither Cosmopolis. Yearning for Closure in Times of Uncertainty, in Global Challenges No4, Epidemia of Walls in an (Un)free World
Eggel D. (2018), “Globalisation Unbound. Transnational Flows in the Digital Era, in Global Challenges No3, Globalisation 4.0 Evolution or Revolution
Eggel D. (2017), “Democracy at the Crossroads”, in Global Challenges No2, Democracy at Risk.
Eggel D. (2017), “Multiplying Hotbeds of Tensions”, in Global Challenges No1, South China Sea: War on the Horizon?
Eggel D. (2017), “Uncertainty in the South China Sea in the Wake of Trump’s Inauguration: The Risk of Escalating Rhetoric”, in Global Challenges No1, South China Sea: War on the Horizon?
Eggel D. (2016), “Quo vadis diplomatic history? Reflections on the past and present of writing the history of international relations”, in Haider-Wilson B., Mueller M., Godsey W.D. (eds.), Internationale Geschichte in Theorie und Praxis:Traditionen und Perspektiven“ / „International History in Theory and Practice: Traditions and Perspectives, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 207-229.
Eggel D. (2015), “Das Europabild Herders: Kontinentale Palingenesie im Dienste der Humanität”, in Miroslav Zelic (ed.), Europa: Zur Kulturgeschichte einer Idee, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 97-109.
Eggel D. (2014), “A civilisation at peril: Goethe’s representation of Europe during the Sattelzeit”, in Hylkema J. and Lamers H., eds., Between Emblem and Labyrinth: the Many Images of Europe in Art, Literature, and Scholarship, 1500-1800, European Review of History–Revue européenne d’Histoire, Routlegde, 2014, 871-888.
Eggel D. (2014), “Le projet des Lumières mis en cause de l’intérieur: les classiques de Weimar à l’avant-garde des critiques de la civilisation européenne”, in Lilti A. and Spector C., eds, Penser l’Europe au XVIIIe siècle, Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 2014, 181-203.
Eggel D. (2014), “Ideas and Concepts in History. Some reflections about half a century of historiographic debate”, in Ideas and Identities, Festschrift for Professor A. Liebich, Peter Lang, Bern, 17-43.
Eggel D. (2012), “Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Europe: Wieland’s Idea of Europe Before, During and After the French Revolution”, in Pinheiro T., Cieszynska B. and Franco E., eds., Ideas of / for Europe. An Interdisciplinary Approach to European Identity, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 89-105.
Eggel D. (2012), “Das Europabild der Weimarer Klassiker: Eine vergleichende Perspektive”, in Lützeler M., Hanenberg P. and Jablkowska J., Einheit in der Vielfalt? Der Europadiskurs der SchriftstellerInnen seit der Klassik; Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Germanists, section 34, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 5: 31-6.
Eggel D. and Wehinger B., eds., (2009), Europa denken im 18. Jahrhundert/Imagining Europe in the XVIIIth century, Aufklärung und Moderne, Wehrhahn-Verlag, Hannover.
Eggel D. (2009), “Introduction”, in Eggel D. and Wehinger B., eds., Europa denken im 18. Jahrhundert/Imagining Europe in the XVIIIth Century, Aufklärung und Moderne, Wehrhahn-Verlag, Hannover, 7-17.
Eggel D. (2009), “Schiller: Conceptualizing Europe at the Threshold of Modernity” in Eggel D. and Wehinger B., eds., Europa denken im 18. Jahrhundert/Imagining Europe in the XVIIIth Century, Aufklärung und Moderne, Wehrhahn-Verlag, Hannover, 125-43.
Eggel D., Liebich A. and Mancini-Griffoli D. (2007), “Was Herder a Nationalist?”, Review of Politics, vol. 69/1, 48-78.
Eggel D. (2007) “Trois siècles de discours sarrasino-valaisans. Synthèse et réflexions”, Vallesia, vol. 62, 347-371.
Eggel D. (2006), Imagining Europe in the Eighteenth Century: the Case of Herder, Arditi Award in international relations, Studies and Working Papers No2, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 139 p.