Francesca Piana

Francesca is a historian of European and international history. She holds a PhD in International History and Politics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, for which she obtained the Pierre du Bois Prize in 2013. Francesca was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2013-2016) and of Binghamton University and the Journal of Women’s History (2016-2017). Her teaching and research interests include the history of international organizations, transnationalism, humanitarian aid and the mission, migration, and women and gender in 20th century Europe.


Selected publications:

  • Aid to Armenia. Humanitarianism and intervention from 1890s to the present. Co-edited with Joanne Laycock (Manchester, Manchester University Press, October 2020).
  • “Fra protezione sociale e lotta alla disoccupazione. Le negoziazioni e l’assistenza tecnica del Bureau international du travail a favore dei rifugiati russi (1919-1925),” Studi Storici 4 (2021), 857-887.
  • “L’Estonie et l’échange des prisonniers de guerre entre Allemagne et Russie, 1918-1922,” Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande, 52-2 | 2020, 317-340.
  • “The dangers of ‘going native’: George Montandon and the International Committee of the Red Cross, 1919-1922,” Contemporary European History 25, Special Issue no. 02 (2016): 253-274.
  • “Maternalism and feminism in medical aid. The American Women’s Hospitals in the United States and in Greece, 1917-1941”, eds. Esther Möller, Johannes Paulmann, and Katharina Storing, Gendering global humanitarianism in the twentieth century. Practice, politics and the power of representation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020: 85-114.
  • “Photography, cinema, and the quest for influence: the International Committee of the Red Cross in the wake of the First World War,” eds. Heide Fehrenbach and Davide Rodogno, Humanitarian photography: A History. Series on “Human rights in history.” New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015: 140-164.