Paroma Ghose
- paroma.ghose@graduateinstitute.ch
- Switzerland, United Kingdom, India
Dr Paroma Ghose completed her PhD at the Department of International History at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, Switzerland. She has a BA in History from the University of Cambridge, and an MDev in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute (IHEID). She specialised in nineteenth-century Russian cultural history, and South Asian and migration history in her undergraduate, and then on the history of hunger and famine, with a focus on hunger in India and its eradication, for her Masters thesis. Her doctoral research looked at the experience of the ‘outsider’ and the notion of belonging in France (1981-2012) through the lyrics of French Rap songs. She was awarded the Pierre du Bois Prize for the best doctoral thesis in International History at the Graduate Institute in 2020. She is currently a part-time Researcher for Boky Mamiko, a Zurich-based NGO working to improve education in rural Madagascar, and the author of ‘Le Point d’Interrogation’, a blog with the newspaper Le Temps.
Publications as Author
‘Rap Speaks, But Who Listens? The Musical ‘Other’ in France’, History Workshop Online, Oxford University Press (4 January 2021)
Le Point d’Interrogation, Blog on Le Temps (2018-Present)
‘The Hindu in Hindustan, and the Troubles of History Repeating itself’, The Wire, August 15, 2017
‘Ebola: Reaction vs. Resolution’, Papiers d’Actualités, January/February 2015, Fondation Pierre Du Bois pour l’histoire du temps présent (2015)