Papiers d’actualité / Current Affairs in Perspective

The papers series “Papiers d’actualité / Current Affairs in Perspective” puts current events into a historical perspective in order to better understand them. Today, more than ever, it is difficult, to understand the world we are living in without knowing the past that led to it. Therefore, “Papiers d’actualité / Current Affairs in Perspective” emphasise the value of historical phenomenon and their commemoration in today’s world.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in the Papiers d’Actualité / Current Affairs in Perspective series are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Foundation.


No 2, Février 2025

Le Centenaire du service social international: points de vue historiques

Apolline Foedit, doctorante en histoire et politiquee internationales, Geneva Graduate Institute

Dr Francesca Piana, chercheuse post-doctorale, Université de Trento

No 1, January

Winners and Losers after Assad’s Fall

Dr Vassily Klimentov, SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer, History Department/Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Zurich


No 10, December

When the Traffic Light Fails: Olaf Scholz, Germany’s Political Crisis, and the Road Ahead

Dr Bernhard Blumenau, Senior Lecturer in International History and Politics, University of St Andrews

No 9, November

Guerre de Gaza : quel bilan après une année de conflit ?

Ozcan Yilmaz est chargé de cours à l’Université de Genève et au Global Studies Institute

No 8, October

The Independence of Venezuela? Resource Nationalism in the 2024 Elections

Dr Simon Lobach is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute

No 7, October

L’avenir de l’Ukraine: «Gagner ou ne pas être»

Gilles Grin est le directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe à Lausanne. Il est par ailleurs chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne et académicien correspondant pour la Suisse de l’Académie royale des sciences économiques et financières de l’Institut d’Espagne. Il s’exprime en son propre nom et ses propos n’engagent pas ses institutions d’affiliation

No 6, August

From Plurality to Diversity: What Changing Conceptions of the Word Minority Can Tell Us about Shifting Perceptions of Difference

Dr Emmanuel Dalle Mulle, Una4Career Marie Curie post-doctoral researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid

No 5, July

Germany at 75: Changes and Continuities

Dr Bernhard Blumenau, Senior Lecturer in International History and Politics, University of St Andrews

No 4, April

La Peur comme arme politique. Un aperçu historique

Dr Olivier Meuwly, spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques.

No 3, March

More similarities than (initially) meet the eye? The international community and the evolution of antiterrorism and climate change governance

Dr Bernhard Blumenau, Senior Lecturer in International History and Politics, University of St Andrews and Dr Johannes-Alexander Müller, University of St Andrews

No 2, February

From the Soviet-Afghan War to the Russian-Ukrainian War

Dr Vassily Klimentov, SNSF Postdoctoral Fellow/Lecturer, History Department/Center for Eastern European Studies, University of Zurich

No 1, January

La Constitution fédérale de 1874: la construction du paysage politique de la Suisse moderne

Dr Olivier Meuwly, historien spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques.



No 9, December

On the horrifying war in the Middle East

David Motzafi-Haller, PhD candidate in International History & Politics at the Geneva Graduate Institute.

No 8, October

From Growing Irrelevance to Kingmaker, Carles Puigdemont’s Surprising Trajectory and Spain’s Uncertain Future after the July 23 General Election

Emmanuel Dalle Mulle, Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

No 7, September

Politicisation of Young Tibetans in Canada

Anne-Sophie Bentz, Associate Professor of South Asian History, Université Paris cité

No 6, August

2023. The Year of the AI

Dr. Thomas Gidney, researcher specialized in colonial and Indian history, the history of international organizations, and foreign policy

No 5, July

1923, Année du traité de Lausanne mais aussi année bascule de l’entre-deux-guerres

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, historien spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 4, June

Irlande du Nord: on fête less 25 ans de l’accord du Vendredi saint

Geneviève Delessert, historienne et enseignante, Lausanne

No 3, April

Philhellénisme, libéralisme et nationalisme

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, historien spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 2, March

 Les grands tournants européens depuis 1945

Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe  et chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne.

No 1, January

 Il y a 175 ans avait lieu le «Printemps des Peuples » de 1848.

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, historien spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques



No 10, December

 The Security Dimension of Switzerland’s Maritime Strategy

Basil Germond is Professor of International Security at Lancaster University

No 9, October

 Inter-Ethnic Relations in Italian Borderlands: From the March on Bolzano to Alpe-Adria

Dr. Emmanuel Dalle Mulle and Alessandro Ambrosino, University of Complutense Madrid and Geneva Graduate Institute

No 8, October

The Legacy of Munich 1972. The Munich Massacre and its place in the history of terrorism

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 7, September

A World on the Fence. The International Community and the War in Ukraine

Dr. Vassily Klimentov, European University Florence

No 6, July

Romania: Histories of Refugee Reception

Dr Anca Cretu Research Associate at the European Research Council within the ERC Consolidator Grant project “Unlikely Refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in 20th century”

No 5, June

The Unrecognisable Weightness of Imprudence: Mistaking Miscalculation for Rational Behaviour in War Forecasting

PhD Candidate Peter Buda, Department of International History and Politics, The Geneva Graduate Institute

No 4, April

Zeitenwende: The Week That Shook German Politics

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 3, March

Les évolutions de l’intégration européenne : de 1945 à la guerre d’Ukraine

Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne. L’auteur s’exprime en son propre nom et ses propos n’engagent pas ses institutions d’affiliation.

No 2, February

Invasion. How Russia Has Lost Ukraine and Itself

Dr. Vassily A. Klimentov, SNSF Postdoctoral Researcher / Visiting Fellow | Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence

No 1, January

‘Keep Calm and Carry On!’: Angela Merkel and Her Chancellorship

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews


No 10, November

The boring 20’s? How the coming decade will likely be the antithesis of the gilded age.

Thomas Gidney, PhD candidate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 9, October

François Mitterrand en visite en Suisse : la voie européenne comme une évidence

Dr. Bastien Nançoz, Historien, spécialiste en Études européennes

No 8, September

Merkeldämmerung: The German Federal Elections of 2021

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 7, August

The historical rise of the Swiss franc as an international reserve currency

Dr. Maylis Avaro , University of Oxford

No 6, July

Cold Warriors Meet in Geneva

Dr. Vassily A. Klimentov, European University Institute, Florence

No 5, May

Disunited Kingdom: The UK and the ‘Scottish Question’ years on

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 4, April

US-Romanian relations and American non-policy towards Eastern Europe

Dr. Sielke Beata Kelner, Postdoctoral SNF fellow at Leiden University

No 3, March

Maldives’ Migrants, The Other Side of Paradise: Economic Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Human Rights Abuses

Dr. Anne-Sophie Bentz, Associate Professor in South Asian History, Université de Paris / Centre for Social Science Studies on the African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA, Paris)

Dr. Anouck Carsignol, Researcher in International Relations, Center of Study and Research on India, South Asia and its Diaspora (CERIAS, Montreal)

No 2, February

Structures of Genocide: Making Sense of the New War for Nagorno-Karabakh

Joel Veldkamp, PhD. Candidate at the Graduate Institute

No 1, January

Revolutionary Indian Women: Re-reading Colonial Police Records in 2020

Atiya Hussain, PhD. Candidate at the Graduate Institute


No 11, December

Epidemics in Europe’s Refugee Camps: A Tale of Two Eras

Dr. Doina Anca Cretu, Research Fellow ERC Consolidator Grant UnRef: Unlikely refuge?, Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th Century

No 10, November

Deux drapeaux pour une nation: Le Belarus, entre Europe et Russie

Dr, Barbara Martin, Université de Bâle

No 9, October

Vladimir Putin: Twelve More Years ?

Dr. Vassily A. Klimentov,  The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 8, August

Beyond Emergency. The Roots of Dangerous Mediterranean Routes towards Italy

Giuliano Fleri, PhD Candidate at the Graduate Institute

No 7, June

Les défis de l’intégration européenne de la Grande Guerre au Covid-19 : entre marché, solidarité et puissance

Laurent Warlouzet, Professeur d’histoire à Paris-Sorbonne Université

No 6, May

La crise du coronavirus et la construction européenne

Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne

No 5, May

Comparer la grippe espagnole et le Covid-19 : analyse historique et pistes de réflexion

Davide Rodogno, professeur d’histoire internationale, The Graduate Institute, Genève

No 4, April

Crise de l’état de droit démocratique : des pistes pour sortir de l’impasse

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, Historien, spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 3, March

Years of the Locust What History Can Tell Us about International Locust Control

Dr. Lukas Schemper, Postdoctoral SNF fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society – LMU Munich

No 2, February

Homogenising Tendencies: Majority-Minority Relations in Italy, Spain and Belgium from Versailles to the Second World War

Emmanuel Dalle Mulle, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Mona Bieling, PhD Candidate and SNSF Research Assistant, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 1, January

From Balfour to Boris: British Hegemony at the League of Nations

Thomas Gidney, FNS Doc CH research funded PHD candidate at the Graduate Institute in Geneva


No 8, December

La désignation des dirigeants de l’Union européenne

Dr. Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne

No 7, November

The Fall of the Berlin Wall – 30 years on

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 6, October

La tradition conservatrice américaine et Donald Trump : rupture ou continuité ?

Blaise Fontanellaz, Dr. en science politique

No 5, August

Le tirage au sort : un moyen de rénover la démocratie ?

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, Historien, spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 4, July

Les relations Turquie-Etats-Unis : l’évolution de l’alliance depuis la disparition de la menace commune

Dr. Özcan Yilmaz, Chargé de cours, Université de Genève et Global Studies Institute

No 3, May

The UK-US Relationship: In the Shadow of Trump and Brexit

Dr. Daniel Kenealy, Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh’s School of Social and Political Science

No 2, March

From a Whisper to a Scream: A Brief History of the US relationship to the UN

Professor Alanna O’Malley, Chair United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Leiden University / The Hague University of Applied Sciences

No 1, February

Trump and the Future of NATO

Dr. Andrea Chiampan, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Postdoctoral Fellow — STS Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


No 9, December

German-American relations – a special relationship

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

A preparatory note introduces the paper as the first of the 10 year anniversary series.

No 8, November

The Irony of Triumph: The Muddled Commemorations of Romania’s Great Unification

Dr. Doina Anca Cretu,  Research Associate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 7, October

Kofi Annan: Reflections on his life

Shaloma Gauthier, PhD, Research Associate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 6, July

Illiberal Democracy: The Return of the Authoritarian Spectre

Dominic Eggel, PhD, Research Advisor, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 5, May

Populistes au pouvoir : L’Italie « innove » à nouveau

Davide Rodogno, Professeur d’histoire internationale, The Graduate Institute, Genève

No 4, May

L’intégration européenne et la reconfiguration du conservatisme helvétique

Blaise Fontanellaz, Politologue, spécialiste des partis politiques suisses

No 3, April

Nation, Nationalisme, Communautarisme : une tentative de clarification

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, Historien, Spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 2, February

Compléter l’Union économique et monétaire européenne : une perspective historique

Dr. Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne

No 1, January

Switzerland and the Facilitated Naturalization of “Third-Generation Foreigners”

Sabina Donati, PhD candidate, Research Associate, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History


No 8, October

Une Révolution de trop : Comment le pouvoir russe tente de neutraliser le centenaire de 1917

Dr. Barbara Martin, International History, The Graduate Institute, and SNSF Post-Doctoral Fellow

No 7, September

Turbulent Times Ahead: What to Make of the German General Elections 2017

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 6, August

Pour une vraie histoire du neoliberalisme en Suisse

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, Historien, Spécialiste de l’histoire des partis politiques

No 5, July

Qu’est-ce que l’histoire numérique?

Dr. Frédéric Clavert, Maître Assistant, Université de Lausanne

No 4, June

Brexit and/or Mayxit? A commentary on the current political situation in the UK

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 3, April

The Treaties of Rome (1957): Comforting Peace and Offsetting the Decline of Europe

Laurent Warlouzet, Professor of History, University of Littoral-Coté d’Opale

No 2, February

A New Era for the Canada-U.S. Relationship

Shaloma Gauthier, Research Associate, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History

No 1, January

Au croisement des mémoires : la Russie face à un passé qui divise

Dr. Barbara Martin, International History, The Graduate Institute, and SNSF Post-Doctoral Fellow


No 8, November

Catalonia-Spain: at the roots of the current confrontation

Dr. Emmanuel Dalle Mulle,   SNSF Research Fellow, Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek – KU Leuven

No 7, August

The Greek Debt Tragedy: An Ongoing Odyssey

Felix Matthys, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University

No 6, July

‘Brexit’ in Historical Perspective

Daniel Kenealy, Specialist Adviser, Senior Vice Principal’s Office, Lecturer, School of Social & Political Science, University of Edinburgh

No 5, May

Jews of Arab Countries: Between Identity Politics and Historiography

Aline Schlaepfer, Associate Professor Université de Genève-American University of Beirut

No 4, April

La commémoration: un outil complexe au service de l’histoire

Dr. Olivier Meuwly, Historian, Specialist in the history of political parties

No 3, March

The Confiscation of Our Co-Citizens’ Passports within the ISIS Context: Reflections on the State’s Passport Regime, Past and Present

Dr. Sabina Donati, Research Associate, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History

No 2, February

Helmut Schmidt, the elder world statesman: chancellor, commentator, and cigarette-lover

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, University of St Andrews

No 1, January

China and the Sea: Understanding China’s Contemporary Sea Power via the Historical Memory Approach

Emma WILLIAMS, Andrew TAYLOR and Wilson CHAN, Lancaster University


No 9, December

A Luta Continua: entangled histories of Southern Africa four decades on

Caio Simões de Araújo, PhD Candidate, IHEID

No 8, November

‘13/11’: Terror in Paris. Context and Implications

Dr. Bernhard Blumenau, Lecturer in International Relations, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, School of International Relations, University of St Andrews

No 7, September

Quelques réflexions sur l’euro et son avenir

Dr. Gilles Grin, Directeur de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe à Lausanne ainsi que chargé de cours à l’Université de Lausanne

No 6, July

Twenty Years After: The Dayton Accords, Legacies and Opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anca Doina Cretu, PhD Candidate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 5, June

Dr. Ruth A. Parmelee: witnessing the Armenian Genocide and (re)negotiating the Self

Dr Francesca Piana, Post-doctoral Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, honorary research fellow at the Department of History, Classics and Archaeology of Birkbeck College

No 4, April

Cracked Rear View: The Uses and Abuses of Financial History in the 2008 Crisis

Professor Trevin Stratton, American University in Dubai, Dubai

No 3, March

Dénonciation russe du nationalisme ukrainien comme “fascisme” : aux origines d’une rhétorique de diabolisation (1917-2015)

Barbara Martin, PhD Candidate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 2, February

Ebola, a Global Health Emergency

Dr. Shaloma Gauthier, Research Associate, Pierre du Bois Foundation

No 1, January

Ebola: Reaction versus Resolution

Paroma R. Ghose, PhD Candidate, The Graduate Institute, Geneva


No 8, December

25 Years after the Fall of the Wall: A New Cold War in the Making?

Bernhard Blumenau, Research Fellow, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 7, November

Lessons from French Military Interventions in Africa

Nathaniel Powell, PhD, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 6, October

ISIS: Understanding the Threat and Its Implications for the West

Bernhard Blumenau, Research Fellow, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 5, July

Détente, not Rapprochement: Iran, the West, and the Middle East and North Africa regional order at Geneva, November 2013 – February 2014; Part II: E3+3-Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Farzan Sabet, PhD Candidate/Department of International History, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 4, May

Still walking to freedom? A historical retrospective of the first 20 years of South African democracy

Mariusz Lukasiewicz and Aravind Ganesh, PhD Candidates, IHEID, Geneva

No 3, April

La votation helvétique sur l’immigration : causes et conséquences d’un scrutin symbolique

Axel Marion, Visiting Researcher, Centre for the Study of Europe, Boston University

No 2, March

Détente, not Rapprochement: Iran, the West, and the Middle East and North Africa regional order at Geneva, November 2013 – February 2014 Part I: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s policy in the Syrian Civil War

Farzan Sabet, PhD Candidate/Department of International History, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 1, February

Turquie-Union européenne : les raisons et conséquences de la relance des négociations d’adhésion

Özcan Yilmaz, Université de Genève, Département d’histoire générale et Global Studies Institute


No 7, November

A Primer on the US Government Shutdown

Gabriel Geisler Mesevage, PhD Candidate/Department of International History, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 6, November

Blasts from the Past- A Historical Overview of the Anglo-Argentine dispute over the Falkland/Malvinas

Andrea Chiampan , PhD Candidate/Department of International History, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 5, September

German Elections on 22 September 2013: the Primacy of Domestic Policy

Bernhard Blumenau, Research Fellow, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 4, May

Europe’s Fight Against Piracy: From the Barbary Coast to Operation Atalanta

Joris Larik, PhD Candidate/Researcher, European University Institute

No 3, April

Culture at the Crossroad of International Politics UNESCO, World Heritage and the Holy Land

Aurélie Élisa Gfeller, Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione fellow and guest lecturer, The Graduate Institute, Geneva

No 2, February

Sept mois d’émeutes à Belfast: la paix est-elle menacée en Irlande du Nord?

Geneviève Delessert, Historienne et enseignante, Lausanne

No 1, January

A propos du cinquantenaire du traité de l’Elysée

Sylvain Schirmann, Professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg


No 7, October

Robert Schuman, l’Europe et la Paix

Marie-Thérèse Bitsch, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Strasbourg

No 6, July

Europeanising Institutional Memory Or Supranationalising Domestic Memory Struggles?

Annabelle Littoz-Monnet-Assistant Professor in Political Science at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 5, June

The Arab Spring and the European Neighbourhood Policy:An Economic Outlook

Gilles Grin-Appointed Director of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe, Lausanne, and Lecturer at the University of Lausanne

No 4, May

Germany and the Euro crisis: the long shadow of history

Bernhard Blumenau-Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 3, April

The European Citizens’ Initiative: ’Much Ado About Nothing’?

Felix Ohnmacht-Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 2, February

Libya 1986-2011: A Testing Ground for the Evolution of US Foreign Policy?

Mattia Toaldo- Post-doctoral fellow at the British School of Rome and at the Society for Libyan Studies

No 1, January

Croatia as the 28th EU Member State: How Did We Get Here and Where Should We Go from Now?

Senka Neuman Stanivuković – University of Groningen


No 8, December

Wavering EU’s State Consolidation Approches in Western Balkans

Jovana Miočinović, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 7, October

L’Iran : entre glaciation politique et printemps arabe

Clément Therme, Membre associé au Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologique (CADIS) de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris

No 6, June

Whither Germany? The “German Problem” and its Implications for Today

Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 5, April

Les “printemps arabes” et leurs enjeux. Perspectives sur la diplomatie américaine

Jérôme Gygax, Fondation Pierre du Bois pour l’histoire du temps présent

No 4, March

Les crises de la construction européene: mythes et réalités

Gilles Grin, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et l’Université de Lausanne

No 3, February

The Czech Republic’s Political Scene in 2010: A Political Earthquake and its Aftershocks

Marek Neuman, University of Groningen

No 2, January

La retraite du Dalaï-Lama: quelles perspectives d’avenir pour la communauté tibétaine de l’exil?

Anne-Sophie Bentz, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

No 1, January

Climate Change Negotiations: Deal or No Deal?

Celine Germond-Duret, University of Central Lancashire


No 9, December

Le Traité de Lisbonne – une constitution à vocation mondiale

Joris Larik, European University Institute, Florence

No 8, November

A Reset at Lisbon?

Jussi M. Hanhimäki, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 7, September

L’euro et le défi de la gouvernance économique

Gilles Grin, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et Université de Lausanne

No 6, August

The International Community and Terrorism: A Short Historical Assessment

Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 5, July

The Rhetoric of Dependence and Reconstruction in Haiti

Shaloma Gauthier, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 4, June

2009 The UN International Year of Reconciliation

Seung-hoon Heo, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 3, April

La déclaration Schuman du 9 mai 1950: “Un texte qui a changé le monde”

Marie-Thérèse Bitsch, Université de Strasbourg

No 2, March

EU Cultural Policy between Community-building and Market-making: putting the EU’s Cultural Agenda into Historical Perspective

Annabelle Littoz-Monnet, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 1, February

Thirty Years of War: Soviet Legacies and Today’s Challenges in Afghanistan

Nathaniel Powell, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva


No 11, December

The Presidential Elections in Romania: Turning Point or Stalemate?

Bogdan Christian Iacob, Central European University, Budapest

No 10, December

Chileans (Or At Least Some) Prepare To Vote For Their New President

Carlos Rodrigo Sáez-Muñoz, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

No 9, November

The EU’s Marketing Standards for Fruit and Vegetables: The End of a Myth?

Katrin Milzow, Pierre du Bois Foundation for Current History

No 8, September

General Elections in Germany on 27 September 2009

Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 7, September

Une réflexion sur l’actualité de la pensée et de l’action de Jean Monnet

Gilles Grin, Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe et Université de Lausanne

No 6, July

International Criminal Law, International Security and the Global Ordre Public

Joris Larik, European University Institute, Florence

No 5, June

Touchant au coeur du régime islamique, la crise est loin d’être terminée

Mohammad-Reza Djalili, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 4, June

Un Parlement européen en quête de légitimité populaire

Axel Marion, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 3, June

Sixty Years of the Federal Republic of Germany

Bernhard Blumenau, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

No 2, May

5 mai 2009 – Le Conseil de l’Europe a soixante ans

Marie-Thérèse Bitsch, Université de Strasbourg

No 1, May

Obama’s NATO: A New Transatlantic Partnership?

Jussi Hanhimäki, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva